1) Is it necessary to have a .22 um to have a sterile solution or the .45 gives acceptable results concerning the dangers of bacteria ? I would point out that I heat the solution at 100°C before for most type of steroid.
No, not really. We used to use a .45 all the time with finaplix conversions. A .22 is a smaller micron filter and will filter more minute particles and is required by National pharmacopoeia (not sure if the international is the same) in the filtration methods to depyrogenate injectable medicines
2) Which membrane are the best for a steroid based solution ? PVDF, Nylon, PES? Whant about PTFE and other membranes such as glass fiber ?
now here is where you will find many differences of opinions. – .22 micron PVDF Millipore filters – Many guys have also moved away from syringe filters to cup/vacuum type filter systems.
3) Why my filtration is soooo slow ? Because of the .22 um instead of .45 um ? or the use of other type of membrane ? or the non-Whatman filter are poor quality ?
The filtering is always going to be slower in a .22 filter than a .45, It’s a smaller membrane your filtering through. As for the clogging
Lot of labs or distributors are using the following vacuum filter or Autofil Bottle-Top Filtration snow . It’s more faster and convenient than syringe filter.
By landmarchem Yoyo
Please contact me via email:yaoyaolandmarkchem@gmail.com